My father is Nigel Hutchins, service number 22906153, who did his training with Squad 385 at Inkerman Barracks, then completed his National Service with the RMP in Holland, Belgium and Germany, mainly ensuring that troops were transported in the correct ships and that the ships left on time.

My grandfather was Harold Hutchins, service number 5566761. He was a Warrant Officer 1 (RSM).

He was born in 1909, and joined the Army in 1926, serving in India for 4 years, after which he joined the CMP on 10/12/1930.

He took part in the D-Day landings and embarked on a barge on 04/06/1944 with the French Canadians, circling in the channel for two days before landing at 'Sword' beach around 6.25am on 06/06/44.

He served with 102 Traffic Control Provost Company.

He fought with them making his way to Caen and on to the Faliase Gap.

Whilst on traffic duty at a cross roads, he was shot in the leg by a sniper and was taken back to a field hospital to have the bullet removed. Recovering quickly he rejoined the fighting , heading for Arnhem with the 51st Highland Division. He eventually ended up in Berlin.

After the war, he was stationed in Northern Germany/Denmark and was involved in the hunt for Nazis.

He boxed, swam and pistol shot for the CMP and was a pistol champion for 2 years running.

He retired on 12/12/1948, and became a school caretaker until 1967 when he retired.

Harold died 29/12/2006, aged 97.

Andrew Hutchins.

18th September 2011.