Subject: My wonderful memories of 115 Pro Coy and beyond. Andy Cracknell ex 7301 squad.

I was looking on the inter-net about the RMP which I have done so on many occasions hoping to find such a site as yours, I cannot tell you how pleased I am to see it.

I served in the RMP from 1972 until discharge in the latter end of 1976. I was part of Squad 7301 with S/Sgt Mike Cross at the helm, I saw the squad metioned in your site, I have a squad photograph showing all of us looking very young indeed...... having left depot I was posted to Germany to the featured company in your heading 115 Pro Coy at Werl.

I served there until I was posted as emergency replacements to Northern Ireland arriving there in early 1975 and served with 179 Pro Coy at Aldergrove, until leaving the army in late 1976 to join Essex Police. I would have probably stayed in but my posting came back as Bulford I think it was 156 Pro Coy in those days I cannot re-call anyway I never got there.

I recently returned to Werl with my wife as part of a need to re-visit my past, I found Werl as much as I remember it however I could not find the Balkan Restaurant we frequented many a time to eat a good meal called Balkan Platter, then to be driven at brake neck speed by a 'taxi driver' we christened the 'blonde bomber' he drove so fast and shot into the gates of camp 7 without as much as slowing down. I could go on for hours about thise happy times. The camp remains, it was always in woodland but the main gate is hardly to be seen because of the undergrowth, both me and my wife walked around the wire perimeter and found several large holes cut in the wire and a particularly tempting one right behind the corporals mess, with the need to do so we went in and walked about the old camp for well over an hour, I was very apprehensive but it had to be done. Once inside I went into the accomodation block and stood in both the rooms I occupied during my stay initially with Terry Burton who was posted from the same squad as me known as "Garth' and then with John Bainbridge whose brother was also in the company, his first name escapes me. the wardrobes are rotten the floor covered in moss and the roofs leaking all fixtures and fittings have gone, the memories just flooded back. we then ventured acroos the old square which used to be occupied by the company motor pool I was in 25 platoon with S/sgt Jimmy Stewart. we went via the orderly to the duty room and then inside this had been altered to some extent since I was 'desk NCO' but I could see myself there parading for inspection prior to starting duty.

I could have stayed, I was rambling on to my wife about my memories and I think I was even little emotional. anyway we found another hole and exited, I am aware my presence was somewhat unorthodoxed the temptation was to great.

We stayed in Werl that night and I think I did not sleep a wink my mind was racing and trying to remember names and faces it was a wonderful experience and my children now want to go.

I left Werl for NI a place I plan to revisit this year or next.

The RMP was a wonderful experience which I will never forget and I am very proud to be part of it.

Andy Cracknell (Squad 7301)

Thursday October 12th 2006.