Location, Commonwealth War Cemetery, Cassino, Italy.
Date. September 30th, 1956
Occasion, Dedication ceremony, by Field Marshall Earl Alexander.
The grave of my Father L/Cpl A.W. Griffiths
2nd Battalion, Royal Fusiliers, (City of London Regt.)
Me kneeling in front of it.
How come I was wearing uniform? Well, I wasn't going to visit my fathers' grave as a serving soldier in anything else. (A touch of insubordination, or a proud son?)
Larger story:whilst on leave from Berlin in England around Easter 1956, my mother received notification from The War Department of the upcoming ceremony. On my return to Berlin I applied for the 10 days local leave regular soldiers received. RSM Murphy wanted to know what I intended doing, as when taking this leave you could not stay in the barracks. When I explained the purpose, 247 took care of all arrangements, passport, currency exchange, travel itinerary, US troop train, Berlin to Frankfurt then civilian thereafter. Frankfurt- Munich- Rome. I had 2 companions from 247, I think I have a photo of them. They went to a football match with some Italians, whilst I went to Cassino.
Furthe, as to wearing the uniform, I don't think anyone told the Italians I was not a member of the official party. I certainly wasn't challenged by any officials.
As for the newsreel, RSM Murphy (in a RSMs' whisper called 'Griffiths, I'll see you afterwards'. With another MP I was at a side exit, so when the films ended we opened the doors to the transports in the side street, thinking RSM Murphy might forget. No chance! He came up behind me. His reprimand, 'Bloody smart man, a credit to the Corps' . The clip was I suppose, about 5/10 seconds long. I have to wonder about whether it was 'Pathe News', as the video clip they have on file does not include me, although family in England also so it, especially after my fathers' mother 'phoned around and told everyone! My uncle contacted Pathe and obtained the still.
If you would like a photo of the ceremony, I have a photo. I revisited Cassino again in 2007 with my daughter.
Arthur Griffiths
5th February 2009