Dear lan.

I only recently came across your website whilst researching my own time in the RMP and attempting to identify my own training squad. I was able to work out that I must have been in 777 Squad as I know that I joined on 2nd January 1960 and that was the first squad of that year. On completion of training I was posted to Cyprus where I stayed for three years before returning to the UK and finishing my time at 170 Pro Coy in Edinburgh. My service number was 23743226. I then went on to do 30 years with the Metropolitan Police and am now retired.

I have attached a photograph of the Square at Inkerman and one of several members of the squad waiting for a train at Woking railway station after passing out. The only names lean recall is that the one with his foot on the suitcase is Taff Brooks who was from one of the Welsh Police Forces and Jim Duckworth second from the right on the bench, who similarly was from one of the Yorkshire Forces, both doing National Service. Your site is most interesting and I recognise a few names in the nominal Roll. Please include my details if you see fit and use the photographs if they are of any use.

Kind Regards,

David Fraser.

Monday November 1st 2004.