
Hi Ian.

Having recently purchased a computer it was great to read your account of arriving at Inkerman. It brought back many memories of the day I arrived there in a three tonner and saw a Passing out parade.

Your account of your days there are exactly as I would have written it.

What a pattern we all went through.

My service commenced on 9th August 1951 to 8th August 1953. My army number was 22572577.

For the first two weeks I served in the RASC at Aldershot and then went to Inkerman for the usual 18 weeks. No special courses were offered to any of us.

I was in squad 245. Our Sergeant was Sgt. Pepper. He treated us with great respect looking back and at heart we all enjoyed his company both in the classroom and on the parade ground.

I well remember looking out of the window on to the parade ground after tea and seeing the naughty boys being marched up and down in quick time.

I remember our march to Aldershot for the MT course.

In the 15Cwt truck if we ground the gears we had to buy him a cake at the next cafe.

On February 18th 1952, we went to the Far East.

I finished up in Hong Kong at the New Territories where there was no RSM, and had a great time, until my return to the UK. I came home on the troopship 'Asturias'-arriving at Southampton on 16th June 1953.

Whilst on board we celebrated the Coronation of QEII with a special dinner consisting of:

Tomato Soup;Roast leg & loin of pork, savory sauce, dressed cabbage and roasters;Compote of fruit & custard;and a bottle of beer provided by the crew.

A good time was had by all.

All the best.

Please keep in touch.

Frank Dorsett.

Tuesday, October 21st 2003.