Interesting short story by John Marsh ex CMP/RMP.

I went to Mychett about October 1945 after transferring from the Manchester Regiment.

I did the police course and then the motor-cycle course. When that ended, they wanted driverson the (Depot) Staff, and I was persuaded to go to the Transport Section at the Mychett depot.

The CSM for the motor-cycle training was a big fellow from Somerset-Fred Tucker. Major Potter was in charge of transport.

After about a month of driving trucks, RSM Footitt marched me into Col. Forbes, the C.O's Office. He wanted a new driver/batman. I took the job as driving around in a Humber Snipe appealled to me!

When we moved to Inkerman, RSM Sedgefield was boss. I remember The Duke of Gloucester coming to inspect us when we were made Royal Military Police.

Col. Forbes lived in a house at the end of the road, and I was lucky enough to live there in my own part of the house!

I remember attending a riot at the Aldershot Glasshouse.

Col. Forbes called in to see me about 8 years ago, but he died about 3 years later.

John Marsh.

20th October 2006.