Subject:Ex RMP

I have just been reading your website. Very interesting and brings back loads of memories of lnkerman. I started there in July 1954 after transferring from the REME. I tried to go straight in the RMP but was told I couldn't as a National Serviceman but that I could transfer from another regiment so that's what I did.

My squad was 441 and our instructor was Sgt 'Busty' Hallam. If there is a chance of someone having a photograph I would love a copy but there wasn't one in the museum last time I was there so I doubt if I will ever see one. After training I was posted to HQ BAOR in Moenchen Gladbach where I worked in the office opposite Lt.Col Elliott of SIB fame. He was a super chap and was always cadging fags from me but it was never a problem. The OIC of my section was a Capt. ******, a most objectionable man who I decided wasn't worth his commission so I refused to acknowledge him at all. This resulted in a 'punishment' posting to Berlin!! The best time of my life!

Harry Burden was RSM and the morale was absolutely super. Everyone was happy and we all helped each other. OC was Maj Potter RASC. There was also Capt. Dando, Sgt Freddie Light (when he signed your AB466, and I STILL have them, it said FLIGHT SGT which was always a giggle!), Sgt. Jones, Sgt Baggeley. Sgt Jones became the driving instructor for RHQ at Roussillon and as you probably know Harry Burden was promoted to Major and returned to the Depot. I saw him on several occasions before his sad death.

Cliff. Mullender, ex RSM, is also known to me as are quite a few of the present officers of RMP, including the recent PM Brig. Maurice Nugent. The reason for this is that my step-son is a LtCol RMP and was CO SIB(UK) until he went to Iraq last November. He came back last month and has just been awarded the OBE so it's drinks all round'!!!!!!

Look forward to hearing from you sometime and all the best to you and yours.

John D. Westwood. EX RMP.

Friday June 18th 2004.

*****(Name edited out-Ian).