Hi lan
My name is Peter Brobin, 22635653, and I arrived in Bad Rothenfelde in June 1952 staying until the move to Ripon Barracks in November 1953 when I was promoted to corporal! I was demobbed in February 1954. I trained at Inkerman Barracks but can't remember the squad number. Saxby was the RSM there and Marsden was our instructor.
On your slide 23 you identify 2nd Lieut.Young. I taught him to drive in a Volkswagen car, but for the life of me, I can't remember where the car came from, or even where it was kept at Bad Rothenfelde. I suppose it must have been down the road at the garages. I can also remember driving some big noises and 77RV16. I was also the regular duty driver and well remember the runs into Osnabruck with those who were reporting sick!
Also on slide 23 the Captain you can't identify was Captain Culhane He came to us from Berlin and he had a VERY badly pockmarked face He was a nice guy.
For a while at Bad Rothenfelde I was batman to RSM Davies and my room was at the top right of the house when viewed from the front. I used to drive him about everywhere in a jeep. He had previously been in Trieste.
On slide 10 you identify a man as being Wally Matthews. I was a good friend of Wally and was a member of the party who fired a salute with our pistols over his grave when he was buried. However, I am 99% certain that the man you identify as Wally is not in fact Wally! I can remember that mans face very well but not his name. Has no one else queried this with you?
Can you remember the three REME mechanics who looked after our vehicles'? Cpl. Rowlands, Graham Walters and Taffy Bebb. They were aided by a civilian mechanic from Dissen whose name I have forgotten. Other names I can remember are Johnny Wharton, John Dagley, Trevor Buck, ? Bricker.
You mention somewhere the pile of coal. I can remember that a party of us had to whitewash that pile of coal prior to some important inspection!
I enjoyed looking at you site very much and have bookmarked it for many future visits.
Peter Brobin.
Wednesday February 5th 2003.